LED flaser with Attiny13
Lets build LED flaser, only three LEDs. If put red yellow green.. it's become trafic light ?? huh .
add more transistor with many LEDs.. perhaps can maka marching ants LED as Border Movingsign .. :D
here my skecth scheme oopps is that scheme? looks like layout board huh?..
here there is source code, use avrstudio4 to build and compile:
#define F_CPU 1000000UL
uint8_t a,b;
int main(void)
DDRB = 0b11111; // set output semua
PORTB =0b11111; //nilai awal
if (a==0) a=0b11111;
a=a / 2;
i ask someone to create PCB.. i hate when i must use chemical for eth that PCB. and drill makes many holes? booring..!!!
here the PCB ready to put together with spareparts
what next ? sorry to be contiuned.. still have busy hour work at office.. see you soon.
i also posted in http://www.pcbway.com/project/share/Attiny13flashing.html
add more transistor with many LEDs.. perhaps can maka marching ants LED as Border Movingsign .. :D
here my skecth scheme oopps is that scheme? looks like layout board huh?..
here there is source code, use avrstudio4 to build and compile:
#define F_CPU 1000000UL
uint8_t a,b;
int main(void)
DDRB = 0b11111; // set output semua
PORTB =0b11111; //nilai awal
if (a==0) a=0b11111;
a=a / 2;
i ask someone to create PCB.. i hate when i must use chemical for eth that PCB. and drill makes many holes? booring..!!!
here the PCB ready to put together with spareparts
what next ? sorry to be contiuned.. still have busy hour work at office.. see you soon.
i also posted in http://www.pcbway.com/project/share/Attiny13flashing.html
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