Simple VGA Board print on PCBway

Orders PCB through the online website system run quickly.
I made the order 3 days later the order has been made. I ask to be sent to a cheap postal service.
The order order arrived at my office 2 weeks later
PCBway sent me 11 pieces, suprise me. PCBway accepts orders in standard Gerber format.
I use Eagle and the file is converted into a Gerber file form. Exported using Sparkfun gerber for eagle
Consist of: Silkscreen_top GTS, Soldermask_top GTO, GTL Copper_top, GBL Copper_bottom, GBO Soldermask_bottom, outline of skirting And drill hole files.
Before sending it as desired to check the vieWer program, I use this: GerbView. Small pads can be clearly read properly.

Make the order of making this PCB board we do it ourselves. Confuse? Ask customer serive to help.
Surprising quality boards solder coatings on them are an easy pleasure to put parts.

In audit within 24 hours, board is made within 3 days. Crystal clear color without any defects, all drilled holes smoothly completed no missed.

In general Quality is very good with low price. , If you need real proto board, i will order here again
Project no : 21 Project code : simple VGA  (just type on Google you will find it.)
Simple vga desi89n layout by Bebe SB

55mm * 85mm ,Thickness:1.6 mm, 2 Layers, Finished Copper:1 oz Cu . i m4de mist4ke.. invert DC soket. ooouucc.. i must reloction diode direclty into plus mid core dc soket . nevermind. i dont bl4me desin9ner.. next time i re order to pcbw4y to build nu pcb version.. HKpost still expensive in two week. next round i will plan to use chinapost.. in two week delivery.

cool wite color. feel lie frosen...let it 9o let it 9o... most w4nt color trend... or only me ?

 refs :

build in   5.00 for  10 pieces...  low cost  best service n result see picture below.

[Product No:W09439ASX21]
$ 5.00 & 10 pieces
Build Time: 2-3 days
Technological process

fit in box... let cerry on..

need xtl  n resistors..


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