Project 30 bebe filter print from PCBw4y

Exitin9 News end of  d4y..  i recieved box cont4ins ten pcs pcb from pcbw4y.

92.38mm * 100mm ,Thickness:1.6 mm, 2 Layers, Finished Copper:1 oz Cu

i c4lled bl4cx be4st n be4uty witey.le9end silk color. .I use Cin4post... not expensive in two weex delivery time.  f4ir price.. :)

 unbox  video  see:

Lets build project 30 bebe filter. It function to split freuency 4udio... displ4y use dot m4trix led n LM39l4 controller LED VU meter.

oww.. before continue .. i must prep4re  module to complete my filter projects. see projects previous.

4fter put p4rts .. i found 4 little bit error.. i for9ot to resise drill... its 0.3mm  cool PCBw4y en9ine.. but my tr4nsistor feet not fit.. xixixixi silly me.    no problem... i will drill out use 0.8mm..

Conclusion..  still best t4ste PCB from PCBw4y...   i did order for next sever4l projects..




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