Project 145 pico2uno nano or DIP28 atmega328 allpcb in Board

I want Board that able to mount pico board nano board or just DIP28 ic atmega328. so i found the allpcb dot com that offer free of charge include free shipment by DHL. compare to other Allpcb offer more large board size abaout 10x15cm so I can put together 4 different design into intergrated board alias motherboard alias mainboard. you can say 4 in 1 or just all in one pcb board or fast speech allpcb hehhehehe. one more i think it able to mount uno board? yeah upside down just treat like proccesor on motherboard i called ONU shield. this is just prototype board so you can develop it into someting complicated appliance. first i need to design and export to gerber format file design. I you allready have gerber design file then go ahead visit allpcb sign up and got free offer coupon to order your prototype PCB. happy happy happy.

here my detail design:

project name pico2uno nano atmega238 all in board
dimension 99x149mm
board thick 1.6mm
minimum drill 0.8mm
color green ( i think you can choose white for modern style)
box case standar black box 10x15x4cm
battery not included i preffer use power bank 5v to activate my product
purpose : Arduino uno shield connection something cool home appliance, perhaps audio radio controller?
tthank you Allpcb.. could you give me more coupon free order so i can continue to other DIY homebrew project? i wish my dream come reality.
see you next time

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