my PCB from PCB WAY in end August 2016

My Packet from PCBway has arrived. here are they 4x6cm 10pcs 2.4mm, price $1 each worth it,

otherwise they gave me the gift universalPCB 3x7cm only 0.6mm  so skinny... i'm disappointed. cause in performa oder mention 2mm.. why.. or becasuse this is free $0 price?  please be honesty. don't give fake hope. ( in my country called "pemberi harapan palsu" = PHP)

Okey then making starter Projects. Ten Module using 4x6cm Universal PCB :

1. Big Dual Seven Segmen Timer

2. Modul LED Matrix 5 x7

4. DoorBell funny sound with buzzer

5. Mini Shield for my Atmega16 8 LED x 4 Port.

6. Halfduino Shled Sevensegmen 0.56

7. Audio VU meter LB1403

8. Flip Flop

9. Modul 4017 ULN 2803 Driver

10. Modul 74595 Driver


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