W09439AX4 is my Project no 4 FROM PCB WAY

I told story about my design. I called Digital Clock ATmega8 with Atmega8, here the partlist:

I check my packet at hongkongpost.hk/en/mail_tracking/index.html my Item nnumber RC480903555HK and description is Outward Registered Letter
Destination : INDONESIA;
Status The item (RC480903555HK) is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 17-Sep-2016.

it's okay.. cause may prototype_PCB from PCB way usually got inspection. let's pray that packet come to me in this weekend. so at sunay i can do my hobby and spread that pcb prototype to my team member to evaluate. thanks you for your attention.

otherway theyadvice me to contact local post at ems.posindonesia.co.id/

You can also check the delivery status of the mail item direct through thats website, okey guys lets go to there.

The good news. my PCB has Arrieved. almost total 20 days .This is my project number 4

prepare to buy female socket for my arduino uno (Project no. 3)  dan this socket sevensegmen for digital clock (Project No.4)


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